Residents of village Nuagarh in Astarang block in Puri district took shelter in a primary school. The village drew up its own disaster management plan and stocked some drinking water and food as well
Construction of elephant corridor in progress in Dalma on SMP. Elephants across India are losing their habitats at an increasing pace and clashing with people wherever they go.
Gayamani Devi (35), daughter-in-law of Bhajari Mahto. Elephants across India are losing their habitats at an increasing pace and clashing with people wherever they go.
Bhrigu Mahto son of deceased Sindhu Mahto. Elephants across India are losing their habitats at an increasing pace and clashing with people wherever they go.
Elephants damaged hut of Kalapadi Bawari of Dadhimukha Village in Bankura. Elephants across India are losing their habitats at an increasing pace and clashing with people wherever they go.
Broken thatched huts by elephants is a common sight in Dadhimukha Village. Elephants across India are losing their habitats at an increasing pace and clashing with people wherever they go.
Villagers of Dadhimukha Village show how herds of elephant ate entire two acres of potato crop. Elephants across India are losing their habitats at an increasing pace and clashing with people wherever they go.
Villagers of Dadhimukha Village showing elephant foot marks in the field. Elephants across India are losing their habitats at an increasing pace and clashing with people wherever they go.