Houses damaged by elephants on the night of January 8, 2014, in Hila tea estate in north Bengal. Elephants, driven by their powerful sense of smell, demolish walls of rooms where grains are stored.
Houses damaged by elephants on the night of January 8, 2014, in Hila tea estate in north Bengal. Elephants, driven by their powerful sense of smell, demolish walls of rooms where grains are stored.
Anil Lama, whose 57 year old father was trampled by an elephant in December 2013, thinks elephants raid villages and croplands as they have no food inside the forests.
Haripada Ray of Malbazar elephant squad has on several occasion escaped death narrowly- he often works without sleep for days chasing away elephants from villages and croplands.
Construction of elephant corridor in progress in Dalma on SMP. Elephants across India are losing their habitats at an increasing pace and clashing with people wherever they go.
Gayamani Devi (35), daughter-in-law of Bhajari Mahto. Elephants across India are losing their habitats at an increasing pace and clashing with people wherever they go.
Bhrigu Mahto son of deceased Sindhu Mahto. Elephants across India are losing their habitats at an increasing pace and clashing with people wherever they go.
Elephants damaged hut of Kalapadi Bawari of Dadhimukha Village in Bankura. Elephants across India are losing their habitats at an increasing pace and clashing with people wherever they go.
Broken thatched huts by elephants is a common sight in Dadhimukha Village. Elephants across India are losing their habitats at an increasing pace and clashing with people wherever they go.