A farmer in Madhya Pradesh’s Mandla district. Grasslands in Mandla are declining and farmers have to travel to far-off places to graze cattle. The construction of the proposed Chutka nuclear power plant in the district could even take away their lands.
A farmer in Madhya Pradesh’s Mandla district. Grasslands in Mandla are declining and farmers have to travel to far-off places to graze cattle. The construction of the proposed Chutka nuclear power plant in the district could even take away their lands.
A farmer in Madhya Pradesh’s Mandla district. Grasslands in Mandla are declining and farmers have to travel to far-off places to graze cattle. The construction of the proposed Chutka nuclear power plant in the district could even take away their lands.
Godown of Mandla Tribal Farmer Producer Company Ltd in Mandla town of Madhya Pradesh. The company has 1,160 shareholders and sold paddy seeds at Rs 30,000 per tonne in 2016-17, Rs 2,000 per tonne above the market price