A glacier spring that would run through the village when I was growing up disappeared in the late 1990s - Tsering Angdui, farmer, Komik village, Himachal Pradesh
A glacier spring that would run through the village when I was growing up disappeared in the late 1990s - Tsering Angdui, farmer, Komik village, Himachal Pradesh
A glacier spring that would run through the village when I was growing up disappeared in the late 1990s - Tsering Angdui, farmer, Komik village, Himachal Pradesh
The 15 families in Komik, the world's highest village, recently installed three diesel-guzzling threshers even though reseeding glaciers have reduced their farm yields by a third in the past decade
The 15 families in Komik, the world's highest village, recently installed three diesel-guzzling threshers even though reseeding glaciers have reduced their farm yields by a third in the past decade
The 15 families in Komik, the world's highest village, recently installed three diesel-guzzling threshers even though reseeding glaciers have reduced their farm yields by a third in the past decade
The 15 families in Komik, the world's highest village, recently installed three diesel-guzzling threshers even though reseeding glaciers have reduced their farm yields by a third in the past decade
Remote sensing shows us glacial retreat, but we need ground data to see the change in the volume - Parmanand Sharma, scientist, National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean Research