Residents of village Nuagarh in Astarang block in Puri district took shelter in a primary school. The village drew up its own disaster management plan and stocked some drinking water and food as well
A year after the tsunami crashed into Asia’s coastlines, Tamil Nadu faces a question: the relief work being over, how can the broader task of rebuilding begin?
A year after the tsunami crashed into Asia’s coastlines, Tamil Nadu faces a question: the relief work being over, how can the broader task of rebuilding begin?
A year after the tsunami crashed into Asia’s coastlines, Tamil Nadu faces a question: the relief work being over, how can the broader task of rebuilding begin?
A year after the tsunami crashed into Asia’s coastlines, Tamil Nadu faces a question: the relief work being over, how can the broader task of rebuilding begin?
A year after the tsunami crashed into Asia’s coastlines, Tamil Nadu faces a question: the relief work being over, how can the broader task of rebuilding begin?
A year after the tsunami crashed into Asia’s coastlines, Tamil Nadu faces a question: the relief work being over, how can the broader task of rebuilding begin?
A year after the tsunami crashed into Asia’s coastlines, Tamil Nadu faces a question: the relief work being over, how can the broader task of rebuilding begin?
A year after the tsunami crashed into Asia’s coastlines, Tamil Nadu faces a question: the relief work being over, how can the broader task of rebuilding begin?
A year after the tsunami crashed into Asia’s coastlines, Tamil Nadu faces a question: the relief work being over, how can the broader task of rebuilding begin?
A year after the tsunami crashed into Asia’s coastlines, Tamil Nadu faces a question: the relief work being over, how can the broader task of rebuilding begin?
A year after the tsunami crashed into Asia’s coastlines, Tamil Nadu faces a question: the relief work being over, how can the broader task of rebuilding begin?
A year after the tsunami crashed into Asia’s coastlines, Tamil Nadu faces a question: the relief work being over, how can the broader task of rebuilding begin?
A year after the tsunami crashed into Asia’s coastlines, Tamil Nadu faces a question: the relief work being over, how can the broader task of rebuilding begin?
A year after the tsunami crashed into Asia’s coastlines, Tamil Nadu faces a question: the relief work being over, how can the broader task of rebuilding begin?
A year after the tsunami crashed into Asia’s coastlines, Tamil Nadu faces a question: the relief work being over, how can the broader task of rebuilding begin?
A year after the tsunami crashed into Asia’s coastlines, Tamil Nadu faces a question: the relief work being over, how can the broader task of rebuilding begin?
A year after the tsunami crashed into Asia’s coastlines, Tamil Nadu faces a question: the relief work being over, how can the broader task of rebuilding begin?