The group of farmers from Tamil Nadu at Jantar Mantar protesting with skulls and pairs of femur bones allegedly of farmers who had committed suicide in the face of drought and debt.
The group of farmers from Tamil Nadu at Jantar Mantar protesting with skulls and pairs of femur bones allegedly of farmers who had committed suicide in the face of drought and debt.
The group of farmers from Tamil Nadu at Jantar Mantar protesting with skulls and pairs of femur bones allegedly of farmers who had committed suicide in the face of drought and debt.
The protestors first marched along Rajpath during morning and marched from Jantar Mantar to the Central Park in the afternoon. They were joined by people from 20 cities across India, including Bengaluru, Mumbai, Nagpur, Jaipur, Kolkata, Thrissur.
The protestors first marched along Rajpath during morning and marched from Jantar Mantar to the Central Park in the afternoon. They were joined by people from 20 cities across India, including Bengaluru, Mumbai, Nagpur, Jaipur, Kolkata, Thrissur.
The protestors first marched along Rajpath during morning and marched from Jantar Mantar to the Central Park in the afternoon. They were joined by people from 20 cities across India, including Bengaluru, Mumbai, Nagpur, Jaipur, Kolkata, Thrissur.
The protestors first marched along Rajpath during morning and marched from Jantar Mantar to the Central Park in the afternoon. They were joined by people from 20 cities across India, including Bengaluru, Mumbai, Nagpur, Jaipur, Kolkata, Thrissur.
The protestors first marched along Rajpath during morning and marched from Jantar Mantar to the Central Park in the afternoon. They were joined by people from 20 cities across India, including Bengaluru, Mumbai, Nagpur, Jaipur, Kolkata, Thrissur.