ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Stack attached to kiln and raw mill
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Covered limestone storage yard. Some amount of clinker covered with HDPE sheet was also stored outside
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Clinker cooler stack and dust collector attached
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. View from top of precalciner tower. Most of the stacks are covered. Some clinkers were kept in open. This was exccess clinker. A new cement mill is coming up and a bag house is being fabricated (can be seen)
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. View of the coal storage yard (covered circular structiure), Covered limestone storage (long), some clinker in open (covered with HDPE sheets) and plantation
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Covered limestone storage yard. In the side, one can also see separate road developed by the mill for its loaded trucks which is 5 km long and meets the highway ahead
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Clinker stored in open. Covered with HDPE sheet. Said it was excess and has been there. Said will use it
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Coal storage yard. One can see number of trucks lined up for unloading
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. One side of the plant are the villages. Area is very fertile and lot of agriculture is being done
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Another view of adjoining villages
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Some flyash lying in open covered with HDPE
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Residential colony of the plant and river Sutlej which is quite near
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Copy of Environment policy, OSHAS policy
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. RSP monitoring equipment. It is there but not used
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Equipment for monitoring fugitive emissions. It is tied to the workers belt and left for 8 hours. data is compiled at end of 8 hours
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. View of ESP attached to the clinker cooler
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Deep pan conveyor belts coming oput of clinker cooler and going to the silo. Here it is not covered as it is still in clinker cooler section
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Deep pan conveyor belt carrying clinker. which was very hot and some of them were even red
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Housekeeping at the clinker cooler
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Deep pan conveyor belt carrying clinker. which was very hot and some of them were even red
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. DCS system for the entire cement operation
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Clinker and bleanding silo attached to unit 1. The lower part is bleanding silo
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Clinker and bleanding silo attached to unit 1.The upper part is storage silo
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Bag house attacheed to raw mill and klin 1
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Stack attached to raw mill and klin 1
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Fugitive dust near the raw mill section