Air pollution level increases in the winter due to paddy residue burning in Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. The presence of particulate matter in the air is the major reason for Delhi’s dirty air
Air pollution level increases in the winter due to paddy residue burning in Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. The presence of particulate matter in the air is the major reason for Delhi’s dirty air
Air pollution level increases in the winter due to paddy residue burning in Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. The presence of particulate matter in the air is the major reason for Delhi’s dirty air
Air pollution level increases in the winter due to paddy residue burning in Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. The presence of particulate matter in the air is the major reason for Delhi’s dirty air
Sarvodaya worker and Chipko activist, Dhum Singh Negi, who quit his government job to join the Chipko movement and went on a fast to save Advani forest, close to the Hemal river, feels sad that people in the region are abandoning agriculture and migrating to towns.
Sarvodaya worker and Chipko activist, Dhum Singh Negi, who quit his government job to join the Chipko movement and went on a fast to save Advani forest, close to the Hemal river, feels sad that people in the region are abandoning agriculture and migrating to towns.