D Bhagyamma with husband and daughter had to undergo biopsy to diagnose if her breast lump was cancerous. she was denied aarogyasri benefits after it was found benign
Anitha and her husband from Thogarapalli village in Medak district had to spend Rs 30,000 on food and commuting during the 26 days their daughter Shravani was hospitalised in the posh Banjara Hills in Hyderabad. Anitha would have preferred her daughter to
Jangaiah, 60, has developed a huge painful lump, resembling a keloid, at the site of the scar from his bypass surgery. The insurance does not cover post surgery treatment. He suffers in silence as his family is already under heavy debt
Project affected families (Village Jaltalla and Kotma) content with the compensation provided in terms of employment to their son's or to their husbands in lieu of agriculture land, but are worried over the nature of job whether it is temporary or will be