Sarvodaya worker and Chipko activist, Dhum Singh Negi, who quit his government job to join the Chipko movement and went on a fast to save Advani forest, close to the Hemal river, feels sad that people in the region are abandoning agriculture and migrating to towns.
Sarvodaya worker and Chipko activist, Dhum Singh Negi, who quit his government job to join the Chipko movement and went on a fast to save Advani forest, close to the Hemal river, feels sad that people in the region are abandoning agriculture and migrating to towns.
A forest fire near Chamba, Uttarakhand. The state has reported 1,966 fire incidents till June 14, affecting about 3,000 hectares, mainly in the Garhwal region. In neighbouring Himachal Pardesh, as of June 14, some 10,903 cases of forest fires have been reported.
A forest fire near Chamba, Uttarakhand. The state has reported 1,966 fire incidents till June 14, affecting about 3,000 hectares, mainly in the Garhwal region. In neighbouring Himachal Pardesh, as of June 14, some 10,903 cases of forest fires have been reported.
A forest fire near Chamba, Uttarakhand. The state has reported 1,966 fire incidents till June 14, affecting about 3,000 hectares, mainly in the Garhwal region. In neighbouring Himachal Pardesh, as of June 14, some 10,903 cases of forest fires have been reported.
A forest fire near Chamba, Uttarakhand. The state has reported 1,966 fire incidents till June 14, affecting about 3,000 hectares, mainly in the Garhwal region. In neighbouring Himachal Pardesh, as of June 14, some 10,903 cases of forest fires have been reported.
A forest fire near Chamba, Uttarakhand. The state has reported 1,966 fire incidents till June 14, affecting about 3,000 hectares, mainly in the Garhwal region. In neighbouring Himachal Pardesh, as of June 14, some 10,903 cases of forest fires have been reported.
A forest fire near Chamba, Uttarakhand. The state has reported 1,966 fire incidents till June 14, affecting about 3,000 hectares, mainly in the Garhwal region. In neighbouring Himachal Pardesh, as of June 14, some 10,903 cases of forest fires have been reported.
A forest fire near Chamba, Uttarakhand. The state has reported 1,966 fire incidents till June 14, affecting about 3,000 hectares, mainly in the Garhwal region. In neighbouring Himachal Pardesh, as of June 14, some 10,903 cases of forest fires have been reported.
A forest fire near Chamba, Uttarakhand. The state has reported 1,966 fire incidents till June 14, affecting about 3,000 hectares, mainly in the Garhwal region. In neighbouring Himachal Pardesh, as of June 14, some 10,903 cases of forest fires have been reported.
A forest fire near Chamba, Uttarakhand. The state has reported 1,966 fire incidents till June 14, affecting about 3,000 hectares, mainly in the Garhwal region. In neighbouring Himachal Pardesh, as of June 14, some 10,903 cases of forest fires have been reported.
A forest fire near Chamba, Uttarakhand. The state has reported 1,966 fire incidents till June 14, affecting about 3,000 hectares, mainly in the Garhwal region. In neighbouring Himachal Pardesh, as of June 14, some 10,903 cases of forest fires have been reported.