A men catches fish from a bund or irrigation channel adjoining a paddy field. He is armed with a bamboo funnel, known locally as takhung, to keep his catch. There is an extensive network of canals to bring water to the fields.
A men catches fish from a bund or irrigation channel adjoining a paddy field. He is armed with a bamboo funnel, known locally as takhung, to keep his catch. There is an extensive network of canals to bring water to the fields.
A men catches fish from a bund or irrigation channel adjoining a paddy field. He is armed with a bamboo funnel, known locally as takhung, to keep his catch. There is an extensive network of canals to bring water to the fields.
A men catches fish from a bund or irrigation channel adjoining a paddy field. He is armed with a bamboo funnel, known locally as takhung, to keep his catch. There is an extensive network of canals to bring water to the fields.
A man catches fish from a bund or irrigation channel adjoining a paddy field. He is armed with a bamboo funnel, known locally as takhung, to keep his catch. There is an extensive network of canals to bring water to the fields.
We do not monitor the impact of burning crop residue on air quality. The three stations in the city work one day a month due to staff crunch - T N Singh, assistant scientific officer, UPPCB, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh