Family of Sidduri Ravindra Rao, a chilli farmer from Subakkapalli village in Telangana, whodied by suicide on December 15 last year after the black thrips pest destroyed his entire crop within a week. This is the second time since 2017 that India is reporting the pest attack
A labourer dries chillies at a farm in Lakshmipuram village in Telangana's Hanumakonda district, which lost 51 per cent of its chilli crops to a new species of thrips this year
A labourer dries chillies at a farm in Lakshmipuram village in Telangana's Hanumakonda district, which lost 51 per cent of its chilli crops to a new species of thrips this year
A labourer dries chillies at a farm in Lakshmipuram village in Telangana's Hanumakonda district, which lost 51 per cent of its chilli crops to a new species of thrips this year
A labourer dries chillies at a farm in Lakshmipuram village in Telangana's Hanumakonda district, which lost 51 per cent of its chilli crops to a new species of thrips this year
A labourer dries chillies at a farm in Lakshmipuram village in Telangana's Hanumakonda district, which lost 51 per cent of its chilli crops to a new species of thrips this year
A labourer dries chillies at a farm in Lakshmipuram village in Telangana's Hanumakonda district, which lost 51 per cent of its chilli crops to a new species of thrips this year
A labourer dries chillies at a farm in Lakshmipuram village in Telangana's Hanumakonda district, which lost 51 per cent of its chilli crops to a new species of thrips this year
A labourer dries chillies at a farm in Lakshmipuram village in Telangana's Hanumakonda district, which lost 51 per cent of its chilli crops to a new species of thrips this year
A labourer dries chillies at a farm in Lakshmipuram village in Telangana's Hanumakonda district, which lost 51 per cent of its chilli crops to a new species of thrips this year
A labourer dries chillies at a farm in Lakshmipuram village in Telangana's Hanumakonda district, which lost 51 per cent of its chilli crops to a new species of thrips this year
A labourer dries chillies at a farm in Lakshmipuram village in Telangana's Hanumakonda district, which lost 51 per cent of its chilli crops to a new species of thrips this year
A labourer dries chillies at a farm in Lakshmipuram village in Telangana's Hanumakonda district, which lost 51 per cent of its chilli crops to a new species of thrips this year