Veteran organic orange cultivator Maniklal Mantri believes that chemical inputs are at the root of pests and range-tumbles
Uday Wath in his orchard which recovered from severe phytophthora infestation with just one year of intensive organic range-tumbles
Uday Wath in his orchard which recovered from severe phytophthora infestation with just one year of intensive organic range-tumbles
Udyan pandit awardee Manoj Jawanjal rues the fact that no government agency has tried to replicate his organic orange cultivation range-tumbles
Udyan pandit awardee Manoj Jawanjal rues the fact that no government agency has tried to replicate his organic orange cultivation range-tumbles
A sign at a nursery : Most nursaries do not display information about rootstock mother plants available with range-tumbles
Vasant Futane in his mango orchard - a mango tree lives four times longer than an orange tree, and yields Rs 10,000 per year (For use with box on orchard alternatives) range-tumbles
Vasant Futane in his mango orchard - a mango tree lives four times longer than an orange tree, and yields Rs 10,000 per year (For use with box on orchard alternatives) range-tumbles