Past two months saw B D Sharma negotiating release of high-profile hostages by the Maoists in Odisha and Chhattisgarh. Widely respected in the civil society, he has been championing the rights of tribals for four decades now.
Past two months saw B D Sharma negotiating release of high-profile hostages by the Maoists in Odisha and Chhattisgarh. Widely respected in the civil society, he has been championing the rights of tribals for four decades now.
Past two months saw B D Sharma negotiating release of high-profile hostages by the Maoists in Odisha and Chhattisgarh. Widely respected in the civil society, he has been championing the rights of tribals for four decades now.
Past two months saw B D Sharma negotiating release of high-profile hostages by the Maoists in Odisha and Chhattisgarh. Widely respected in the civil society, he has been championing the rights of tribals for four decades now.
Past two months saw B D Sharma negotiating release of high-profile hostages by the Maoists in Odisha and Chhattisgarh. Widely respected in the civil society, he has been championing the rights of tribals for four decades now.
Past two months saw B D Sharma negotiating release of high-profile hostages by the Maoists in Odisha and Chhattisgarh. Widely respected in the civil society, he has been championing the rights of tribals for four decades now.