People in Sahebganj used to spend Rs 250 on kerosene-generated electricity in a month. Now they pay Rs 50 a month for a 15 Watt connection for six hours a day
People in Sahebganj used to spend Rs 250 on kerosene-generated electricity in a month. Now they pay Rs 50 a month for a 15 Watt connection for six hours a day (Photo: Ankur Paliwal)
People in Sahebganj used to spend Rs 250 on kerosene-generated electricity in a month. Now they pay Rs 50 a month for a 15 Watt connection for six hours a day (Photo: Ankur Paliwal)
The Union government's decision to produce neem-coated urea will not only improve soil health and agriculture, but also halt its illegal diversion to industry
The Union government's decision to produce neem-coated urea will not only improve soil health and agriculture, but also halt its illegal diversion to industry
The Union government's decision to produce neem-coated urea will not only improve soil health and agriculture, but also halt its illegal diversion to industry
The Union government's decision to produce neem-coated urea will not only improve soil health and agriculture, but also halt its illegal diversion to industry
The Union government's decision to produce neem-coated urea will not only improve soil health and agriculture, but also halt its illegal diversion to industry