District judge of Rayagada, Sarat Chandra Misra, present at the palli sabha, argues with the tribals, sidestepping his role as the Supreme Court Observer. Soon after he told the tribals, モall of you are acting very smart despite being illiterate. You woul
The conveyor belt to transport bauxite from inside the Niyamgiris gathers rust next to the Lanjigarh refinery of Vedanta. The company illegally constructed the conveyor belt between 2008 and 2010 without the necessary forest clearance
Vedantaメs Lanjigarh refinery started a school, a child care centre and constructed roads inside Niyamgiri, as part of its corporate social responsibility, to ease entry for its bauxite mining project. The CSR project was abandoned due to stiff resistance
Dongria Kondh women painted on the walls of Vedanta Alumina's refinery in Lanjigarh, on the foothills of Niyamgiri. Stiff resistance from forest dwellers have prevented Vedanta from mining the Niyamgiri Hill ranges for Bauxite
Residents of Lakhpadar village in Niyamgiri hills drew this map in 2010 to claim their rights over forest resources and places of worship. The Odisha government is yet to settle their claim
Dongria Kondh from Kesarpadi village inside Niyamgiri forests worships mango kernels on the eve of palli sabha to decide on Vedantaメs bauxite mining proposal
The bejuni, village priestess of Lakhpadar, offers ritual sacrifices to appease Niyamraja before small patches of forests are felled for shift and burn cultivation
Gajendra Gouda at Tadijhola palli sabha: モWeメve lived here for hundreds of years and are happy in our mud huts. Vedanta can go back to London and mine there.ヤ
Elephants are migrating from Saranda forest due to extensive mining and raiding villages near Rourkela for food. Human-elephant conflict is rising across India. Every year nearly 400 people are killed by elephants and about 100 elephants lose their lives.
Marble mines totalling upto 177 leases in the 12 villages of Rishab Dev tehsil produce 89,000 tonnes of high quality green marble every year has become a sight of constant struggle between the local villagers who allege that mines have damaged croplands while many are forced to work as daily wage earners in these mines facing fatal accidents.
Marble mines totalling upto 177 leases in the 12 villages of Rishab Dev tehsil produce 89,000 tonnes of high quality green marble every year has become a sight of constant struggle between the local villagers who allege that mines have damaged croplands while many are forced to work as daily wage earners in these mines facing fatal accidents.
Marble mines totalling upto 177 leases in the 12 villages of Rishab Dev tehsil produce 89,000 tonnes of high quality green marble every year has become a sight of constant struggle between the local villagers who allege that mines have damaged croplands while many are forced to work as daily wage earners in these mines facing fatal accidents.
Marble mines totalling upto 177 leases in the 12 villages of Rishab Dev tehsil produce 89,000 tonnes of high quality green marble every year has become a sight of constant struggle between the local villagers who allege that mines have damaged croplands while many are forced to work as daily wage earners in these mines facing fatal accidents.
Marble mines totalling upto 177 leases in the 12 villages of Rishab Dev tehsil produce 89,000 tonnes of high quality green marble every year has become a sight of constant struggle between the local villagers who allege that mines have damaged croplands while many are forced to work as daily wage earners in these mines facing fatal accidents.
Marble mines totalling upto 177 leases in the 12 villages of Rishab Dev tehsil produce 89,000 tonnes of high quality green marble every year has become a sight of constant struggle between the local villagers who allege that mines have damaged croplands while many are forced to work as daily wage earners in these mines facing fatal accidents.