CSE chairperson Mr. Anil Agarwal delivering a speech at a book release function held at Madurai, Tamil Nadu. CSE's two latest publications ' Making Water Everybody's Business' and ' Tanks of South India' were released at this function. The released was organised by the Dhan Foundtion.
CSE chairperson Mr. Anil Agarwal delivering a speech at a book release function held at Madurai, Tamil Nadu. CSE's two latest publications ' Making Water Everybody's Business' and ' Tanks of South India' were released at this function. The released was organised by the Dhan Foundtion.
CSE chairperson Mr. Anil Agarwal delivering a speech at a book release function held at Madurai, Tamil Nadu. CSE's two latest publications ' Making Water Everybody's Business' and ' Tanks of South India' were released at this function. The released was organised by the Dhan Foundtion.
CSE chairperson Mr. Anil Agarwal delivering a speech at a book release function held at Madurai, Tamil Nadu. CSE's two latest publications ' Making Water Everybody's Business' and ' Tanks of South India' were released at this function. The released was organised by the Dhan Foundtion.