Bikaner member of Parliament Arjun Ram Megwal, has been doing his bit for the environment for a while now. He uses his bicycle to go from his residence in Janpath to the Parliament and says it is an effort to reduce carbon emission.
Bikaner member of Parliament Arjun Ram Megwal, has been doing his bit for the environment for a while now. He uses his bicycle to go from his residence in Janpath to the Parliament and says it is an effort to reduce carbon emission.
Bikaner member of Parliament Arjun Ram Megwal, has been doing his bit for the environment for a while now. He uses his bicycle to go from his residence in Janpath to the Parliament and says it is an effort to reduce carbon emission.
Bikaner member of Parliament Arjun Ram Megwal, has been doing his bit for the environment for a while now. He uses his bicycle to go from his residence in Janpath to the Parliament and says it is an effort to reduce carbon emission.