Akash Kumar, 15, is known as a rebel. He took on his parents to stop the marriage of his 13-year-old cousin. Nearly 60 per cent of the women in Bihar in the age group of 15 to 19 years have experienced pregnancy/ Akash WITH Anita, Sudha and Suman
Akash Kumar, 15, is known as a rebel. He took on his parents to stop the marriage of his 13-year-old cousin. Nearly 60 per cent of the women in Bihar in the age group of 15 to 19 years have experienced pregnancy/ Akash WITH Anita, Sudha and Suman
Santosh Nirmal Horo of Kharsidag village in Ranchi hated the way his father climbed tall palash, ber and kusum trees to grow lac. Lac is a scarlet resin secreted by an insect that makes its home on trees. Horo followed his fatherメs footsteps but not for l
Santosh Nirmal Horo of Kharsidag village in Ranchi hated the way his father climbed tall palash, ber and kusum trees to grow lac. Lac is a scarlet resin secreted by an insect that makes its home on trees. Horo followed his fatherメs footsteps but not for l
Santosh Nirmal Horo of Kharsidag village in Ranchi hated the way his father climbed tall palash, ber and kusum trees to grow lac. Lac is a scarlet resin secreted by an insect that makes its home on trees. Horo followed his fatherメs footsteps but not for l
Santosh Nirmal Horo of Kharsidag village in Ranchi hated the way his father climbed tall palash, ber and kusum trees to grow lac. Lac is a scarlet resin secreted by an insect that makes its home on trees. Horo followed his fatherメs footsteps but not for l
Santosh Nirmal Horo of Kharsidag village in Ranchi hated the way his father climbed tall palash, ber and kusum trees to grow lac. Lac is a scarlet resin secreted by an insect that makes its home on trees. Horo followed his fatherメs footsteps but not for l
Santosh Nirmal Horo of Kharsidag village in Ranchi hated the way his father climbed tall palash, ber and kusum trees to grow lac. Lac is a scarlet resin secreted by an insect that makes its home on trees. Horo followed his fatherメs footsteps but not for l