The additional Public Health Centre in Misripur village was found locked on 29th January when Down To Earth visited. Doctorsï¾’s post is vacant since last 4 months. The pharmacist who is currently running the Centre was also not on duty. The ANM also lives
The additional Public Health Centre in Misripur village was found locked on 29th January when Down To Earth visited. Doctorsï¾’s post is vacant since last 4 months. The pharmacist who is currently running the Centre was also not on duty. The ANM also lives
The District Hospital of Shravasti district under construction. The district does not even have a district hospital of its own. The health services are delivered through public health centres and community health centres.
The District Hospital of Shravasti district under construction. The district does not even have a district hospital of its own. The health services are delivered through public health centres and community health centres.
The District Hospital of Shravasti district under construction. The district does not even have a district hospital of its own. The health services are delivered through public health centres and community health centres.
The District Hospital of Shravasti district under construction. The district does not even have a district hospital of its own. The health services are delivered through public health centres and community health centres.
The District Hospital of Shravasti district under construction. The district does not even have a district hospital of its own. The health services are delivered through public health centres and community health centres.
Shravasti district is the worst place for a child to be born in. Shamim Ahmed, chief pharmacist at Padwalia public health centre, says most people take their children to witch doctors for treatment and bring them to the health centre only when their cond
Shravasti district is the worst place for a child to be born in. Shamim Ahmed, chief pharmacist at Padwalia public health centre, says most people take their children to witch doctors for treatment and bring them to the health centre only when their cond