The Bhalswa landfill in the eastern part of Delhi is on fire. The fire started on April 27, 2022 and has continued even after 30 hours. Here the landfill is seen burning at night.
The Bhalswa landfill in the eastern part of Delhi is on fire. The fire started on April 27, 2022 and has continued even after 30 hours. Here the landfill is seen burning at night.
The Bhalswa landfill in the eastern part of Delhi is on fire. The fire started on April 27, 2022 and has continued even after 30 hours. Here the landfill is seen burning at night.
Location for Ramsar conference (Amsterdam -1992). Conference identifies the wise use of Calcutta city waste as one of the significant ones in the list of 17 case studies from all over the world.
(1988) Govt of West Bengal, Govt. of Indian, Asian Institute of Technology, World Bank, FAO, GT2 sponsored a UNEP conference at Calcutta particularly on East Calcutta bio-sphere. and waste water agriculture.
Last year World Bank has provided rs.500 crores for city garbage management-this gives a permanent settlement of street side garbage dumping instead of make shift dumping point