Akash Kumar, 15, is known as a rebel. He took on his parents to stop the marriage of his 13-year-old cousin. Nearly 60 per cent of the women in Bihar in the age group of 15 to 19 years have experienced pregnancy/ Akash WITH Anita, Sudha and Suman
Akash Kumar, 15, is known as a rebel. He took on his parents to stop the marriage of his 13-year-old cousin. Nearly 60 per cent of the women in Bihar in the age group of 15 to 19 years have experienced pregnancy/ Akash WITH Anita, Sudha and Suman
Meera Pal’s house in Udvaya can be seen in the picture. Shivpuri is an area dominated by scheduled tribes (ST), mainly Sahariya. Almost 73 per cent of children admitted in the nutrition rehabilitation centre of the town belong to STs. With a catchment are
Two-year-old Draupadi (seen in the picture) is a moderately acute malnourished child from Mohammadnagar, a hamlet of Sahariyas on Gwalior-Jhansi highway and 15 kms from Udvaya. She weighs a little more than eight kg and gets to eat vegetables like potato
Two-year-old Draupadi (seen in the picture) is a moderately acute malnourished child from Mohammadnagar, a hamlet of Sahariyas on Gwalior-Jhansi highway and 15 kms from Udvaya. She weighs a little more than eight kg and gets to eat vegetables like potato
Two-year-old Draupadi (seen in the picture) is a moderately acute malnourished child from Mohammadnagar, a hamlet of Sahariyas on Gwalior-Jhansi highway and 15 kms from Udvaya. She weighs a little more than eight kg and gets to eat vegetables like potato
Two-year-old Draupadi (seen in the picture) is a moderately acute malnourished child from Mohammadnagar, a hamlet of Sahariyas on Gwalior-Jhansi highway and 15 kms from Udvaya. She weighs a little more than eight kg and gets to eat vegetables like potato
Udvaya lacks many facilities like good roads. People living in the region still look up to the Scindias as their rulers and have not reaped fruits of nation's economic development
Udvaya lacks many facilities like good roads. People living in the region still look up to the Scindias as their rulers and have not reaped fruits of nation's economic development