Several unusual diseases afflict Padre village in Kasaragod district, Kerala. Residents blame aerial spraying of the pesticide Endosulfan by the Plantation Corporation of Kerala. Seen in this picture is Shruti, 7, resident of Padre. Born with congenital anomalies three of her limbs are deforme . Her mother died of cancer.
Several unusual diseases afflict Padre village in Kasaragod district, Kerala. Residents blame aerial spraying of the pesticide Endosulfan by the Plantation Corporation of Kerala. Seen in this picture is Udaya, 10, of Padre has epilepsy, cerebral palsy and asthma.
Several unusual diseases afflict Padre village in Kasaragod district, Kerala. Residents blame aerial spraying of the pesticide Endosulfan by the Plantation Corporation of Kerala. Seen in this is a student in Padre whose physical growth is stunted.
Several unusual diseases afflict Padre village in Kasaragod district, Kerala. Residents blame aerial spraying of the pesticide Endosulfan by the Plantation Corporation of Kerala. Seen in this is a Scheduled Caste family that lives within the plantations of the Plantation Corporation of Kerala (PCK) at Periya village in Kasaragod. Endosulfan spray has been stayed here by a court order.