Cheta Devi from the Mandal valley in Chamoli district. Earlier, she would leave home at four in the morning to collect fodder from the steep mountainsides and return by noon. These days she collects fodder from the forest people have grown next to the village and harvests nutrient-rich napier grass planted along her farm
Cheta Devi from the Mandal valley in Chamoli district. Earlier, she would leave home at four in the morning to collect fodder from the steep mountainsides and return by noon. These days she collects fodder from the forest people have grown next to the village and harvests nutrient-rich napier grass planted along her farm
Cheta Devi from the Mandal valley in Chamoli district. Earlier, she would leave home at four in the morning to collect fodder from the steep mountainsides and return by noon. These days she collects fodder from the forest people have grown next to the village and harvests nutrient-rich napier grass planted along her farm
Cheta Devi from the Mandal valley in Chamoli district. Earlier, she would leave home at four in the morning to collect fodder from the steep mountainsides and return by noon. These days she collects fodder from the forest people have grown next to the village and harvests nutrient-rich napier grass planted along her farm
Sita, a resident of Parapur village in Dantewada district, says that the village has not received any developmental benefits despite being just a few kilometres from a mining township
Sita, a resident of Parapur village in Dantewada district, says that the village has not received any developmental benefits despite being just a few kilometres from a mining township