Anil Kumar 10 years old school going child, suffers from a heart problem. His mother Ratna has asthma problem. Father has left them. His Grandfather Rama Naik died of cancer five years ago. Anil Kumar needs a surgery. He belongs to Badiyaru area of Padre village
Anil Kumar 10 years old school going child, suffers from a heart problem. His mother Ratna has asthma problem. Father has left them. His Grandfather Rama Naik died of cancer five years ago. Anil Kumar needs a surgery. He belongs to Badiyaru area of Padre village
Anil Kumar 10 years old school going child, suffers from a heart problem. His mother Ratna has asthma problem. Father has left them. His Grandfather Rama Naik died of cancer five years ago. Anil Kumar needs a surgery. He belongs to Badiyaru area of Padre village
Anil Kumar 10 years old school going child, suffers from a heart problem. His mother Ratna has asthma problem. Father has left them. His Grandfather Rama Naik died of cancer five years ago. Anil Kumar needs a surgery. He belongs to Badiyaru area of Padre village
Anil Kumar 10 years old school going child, suffers from a heart problem. His mother Ratna has asthma problem. Father has left them. His Grandfather Rama Naik died of cancer five years ago. Anil Kumar needs a surgery. He belongs to Badiyaru area of Padre village
Anil Kumar 10 years old school going child, suffers from a heart problem. His mother Ratna has asthma problem. Father has left them. His Grandfather Rama Naik died of cancer five years ago. Anil Kumar needs a surgery. He belongs to Badiyaru area of Padre village
Anil Kumar 10 years old school going child, suffers from a heart problem. His mother Ratna has asthma problem. Father has left them. His Grandfather Rama Naik died of cancer five years ago. Anil Kumar needs a surgery. He belongs to Badiyaru area of Padre village
"Sopa Naik's wife, marathi family five daughters and one son. Twenty year old son died five year ago due to blood cancer. They have a well which pulls water from the stream