An open drain runs along the entire length of Taimoor Nagar in New Delhi, choked mostly with plastic to an extent that people can walk over the litter.
An open drain runs along the entire length of Taimoor Nagar in New Delhi, choked mostly with plastic to an extent that people can walk over the litter.
An open drain runs along the entire length of Taimoor Nagar in New Delhi, choked mostly with plastic to an extent that people can walk over the litter.
An open drain runs along the entire length of Taimoor Nagar in New Delhi, choked mostly with plastic to an extent that people can walk over the litter.
An open drain runs along the entire length of Taimoor Nagar in New Delhi, choked mostly with plastic to an extent that people can walk over the litter.
An open drain runs along the entire length of Taimoor Nagar in New Delhi, choked mostly with plastic to an extent that people can walk over the litter.
An open drain runs along the entire length of Taimoor Nagar in New Delhi, choked mostly with plastic to an extent that people can walk over the litter.
An open drain runs along the entire length of Taimoor Nagar in New Delhi, choked mostly with plastic to an extent that people can walk over the litter.
An open drain runs along the entire length of Taimoor Nagar in New Delhi, choked mostly with plastic to an extent that people can walk over the litter.
An open drain runs along the entire length of Taimoor Nagar in New Delhi, choked mostly with plastic to an extent that people can walk over the litter.
An open drain runs along the entire length of Taimoor Nagar in New Delhi, choked mostly with plastic to an extent that people can walk over the litter.