On July 15, 2017 the Indian Railways launched India’s first solar powered train, the 1600HHP solar DEMU. It will be travelling between Sarai Rohilla station in Delhi and Garhi Harsaru Junction in Haryana. Manufactured at a cost of Rs 13.5 crore, the train has a total of 10 coaches. Six of them have 16 solar panels, each panel of 300 watt capacity.
On July 15, 2017 the Indian Railways launched India’s first solar powered train, the 1600HHP solar DEMU. It will be travelling between Sarai Rohilla station in Delhi and Garhi Harsaru Junction in Haryana. Manufactured at a cost of Rs 13.5 crore, the train has a total of 10 coaches. Six of them have 16 solar panels, each panel of 300 watt capacity.
On July 15, 2017 the Indian Railways launched India’s first solar powered train, the 1600HHP solar DEMU. It will be travelling between Sarai Rohilla station in Delhi and Garhi Harsaru Junction in Haryana. Manufactured at a cost of Rs 13.5 crore, the train has a total of 10 coaches. Six of them have 16 solar panels, each panel of 300 watt capacity.
On July 15, 2017 the Indian Railways launched India’s first solar powered train, the 1600HHP solar DEMU. It will be travelling between Sarai Rohilla station in Delhi and Garhi Harsaru Junction in Haryana. Manufactured at a cost of Rs 13.5 crore, the train has a total of 10 coaches. Six of them have 16 solar panels, each panel of 300 watt capacity.
On July 15, 2017 the Indian Railways launched India’s first solar powered train, the 1600HHP solar DEMU. It will be travelling between Sarai Rohilla station in Delhi and Garhi Harsaru Junction in Haryana. Manufactured at a cost of Rs 13.5 crore, the train has a total of 10 coaches. Six of them have 16 solar panels, each panel of 300 watt capacity.
On July 15, 2017 the Indian Railways launched India’s first solar powered train, the 1600HHP solar DEMU. It will be travelling between Sarai Rohilla station in Delhi and Garhi Harsaru Junction in Haryana. Manufactured at a cost of Rs 13.5 crore, the train has a total of 10 coaches. Six of them have 16 solar panels, each panel of 300 watt capacity.
Polluted Yamuna. A train running on an over bridge over Yamuna. Dense black smoke can also be seen. The source of the smoke is not clear. In the river, a boat carrying four-five people.
Despite crores spent, all the stretches of Yamuna are dirtier today. The Delhi stretch stinks to heaven today. Metro train crossing Yamuna over bridge in Delhi.