The launch of Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) saw the rate of toilet construction in Gonda pick up. Around three time more toilets were built in 2014-15 compared to pre-SBM. In 2017-18, it went up to 21 times, but were they being used?
The launch of Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) saw the rate of toilet construction in Gonda pick up. Around three time more toilets were built in 2014-15 compared to pre-SBM. In 2017-18, it went up to 21 times, but were they being used?
Gonda district in Uttar Pradesh recently built 32,000 toilets in just 120 hours to meet the target of 100 per cent toilet coverage, but is taking up such ambitious projects the way to solving the problem of open defecation?
Deepak Sanan, Former additional chief secretary, government of Himachal Pradesh, rejects the construction-focused model in favour of a strategy aimed at creating community demand for toilets. Ending open defecation rather than constructing toilets should be the goal.
Deepak Sanan, Former additional chief secretary, government of Himachal Pradesh, rejects the construction-focused model in favour of a strategy aimed at creating community demand for toilets. Ending open defecation rather than constructing toilets should be the goal.
Deepak Sanan, Former additional chief secretary, government of Himachal Pradesh, rejects the construction-focused model in favour of a strategy aimed at creating community demand for toilets. Ending open defecation rather than constructing toilets should be the goal.
After the district headquarter of Gonda was declared the dirtiest city in India by the Swachh Survekshan ranking released on May 4, 2017, the district administration decided to launch 'Mission 32', under which they constructed 32,000 toilets within 120 hours.
After the district headquarter of Gonda was declared the dirtiest city in India by the Swachh Survekshan ranking released on May 4, 2017, the district administration decided to launch 'Mission 32', under which they constructed 32,000 toilets within 120 hours.