ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Some dust was being generated during stacking of the limestone
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Limestone storage yard with stacker and reclaimer also present
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. A garden developed within the plant by packing section
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Another view of the chute and the mats
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. All bags were going through this structure which had suction and mats to remove dust
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Workers working in the packaging section. There was fugitive dust
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Packaging section. Bright lit in one section but dark in another, Rubber mats in place and dust extraction. Still fugitive dust could be felt
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Cement bleaning before going to packers
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Another view of bag loading. Fugitive dust was generated during loading
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Bags going through chutes to the trucks which was being set by a worker
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Loading of cement bags on trucks
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Packaging section from outside unit 1
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Flyash penumatically being transferred to the silo
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Cement silo and another view of ESP
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. View of ESP attached to the cement mil 3 and 4
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Flyash penumatically being transferred to the silo
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Flyash penumatically being transferred to the silo
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Clinkers storage space (one unit has clinker storage space while other has silo)
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. View of stack attached to raw mill