Bharat Mandal of Bhaijrapur, Harirpara block in Murshidabad, an arsenic victim carrying water in a bucket from treatment plant has a deep cancerous wound on his feet in West Bengal.
Bharat Mandal of Bhaijrapur, Harirpara block in Murshidabad, an arsenic victim carrying water in a bucket from treatment plant has a deep cancerous wound on his feet in West Bengal.
Hasan Sheikh, of Malabari, Raninagar, village Shyamdandiar had cancerous arsenic wound on his back and it was treated and removed at the arsenic clinic in West Bengal.
Hasan Sheikh, of Malabari, Raninagar, village Shyamdandiar had cancerous arsenic wound on his back and it was treated and removed at the arsenic clinic in West Bengal.
Hasan Sheikh, of Malabari, Raninagar, village Shyamdandiar had cancerous arsenic wound on his back and it was treated and removed at the arsenic clinic in West Bengal.
Hasan Sheikh, of Malabari, Raninagar, village Shyamdandiar had cancerous arsenic wound on his back and it was treated and removed at the arsenic clinic in West Bengal.
Hasan Sheikh, of Malabari, Raninagar, village Shyamdandiar had cancerous arsenic wound on his back and it was treated and removed at the arsenic clinic in West Bengal.
Hasan Sheikh, of Malabari, Raninagar, village Shyamdandiar had cancerous arsenic wound on his back and it was treated and removed at the arsenic clinic in West Bengal.
Hasan Sheikh, of Malabari, Raninagar, village Shyamdandiar had cancerous arsenic wound on his back and it was treated and removed at the arsenic clinic in West Bengal.