Kuparam of Daang panchayat in Udaipur's tribal block, Kotara, was cheated of money along with 300 other residents of his village in the name of enrolling for Aadhar. They are not sure whether they will ever get the Aadhar card, required for getting subsid
Ramesh Grecia and his family in Ukhliyat panchayat, kotara block,udaipur, who paid Rs 50 for enrollment. He said two boys came with a suitcase (laptop) and enrolled about 25 villagers
A mahila mela organized by people's organization, Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan, in Ajmer's Jawaja block to receive complaints relating to pension benefits and other welfare schemes, turned out to be a public hearing for Aadhar scheme
A mahila mela organized by people's organization, Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan, in Ajmer's Jawaja block to receive complaints relating to pension benefits and other welfare schemes, turned out to be a public hearing for Aadhar scheme
A mahila mela organized by people's organization, Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan, in Ajmer's Jawaja block to receive complaints relating to pension benefits and other welfare schemes, turned out to be a public hearing for Aadhar scheme
A mahila mela organized by people's organization, Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan, in Ajmer's Jawaja block to receive complaints relating to pension benefits and other welfare schemes, turned out to be a public hearing for Aadhar scheme
A mahila mela organized by people's organization, Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan, in Ajmer's Jawaja block to receive complaints relating to pension benefits and other welfare schemes, turned out to be a public hearing for Aadhar scheme
A mahila mela organized by people's organization, Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan, in Ajmer's Jawaja block to receive complaints relating to pension benefits and other welfare schemes, turned out to be a public hearing for Aadhar scheme