ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Awards won by mill in environment and mining displayed at the corporate office
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Awards won by mill in environment and mining displayed at the corporate office
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Stack attached to the klin 2. No emissions was observed
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Trucker being tipped for coal unloading. Though there were water sprinklers it was not operated as was being replaced
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Truck being tipped for coal unloading
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Truck being tipped for coal unloading
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Coal unloading. Fugitive dust was being generated. The water sprinklers were currently being replaced
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Ttruck tipped for coal unloading
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. View of the coal hopper where the coal was unloaded
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Coal hopper with water sprinklers
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Worker clearing the coal from the hopper
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Gypsum storage yard. A common yard for storing gypsum, shale and iron
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. iron storage in the yard. Iron was getting conveyed through belt and unloaded in the yard. There was some dust during stacking
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Another view of iron ore getting collected
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Hopper for gypsum unloading with water sprinklers working