New Delhi railway Station looks deserted after the suspension of train services in view of coronavirus lockdown. New Delhi Railway Station is India's second busiest and largest railway station. The station manages over 350 trains daily trains and over 500,000 passengers. It has 16 platforms and also holds the record for the largest route interlocking system in the world.
New Delhi railway Station looks deserted after the suspension of train services in view of coronavirus lockdown. New Delhi Railway Station is India's second busiest and largest railway station. The station manages over 350 trains daily trains and over 500,000 passengers. It has 16 platforms and also holds the record for the largest route interlocking system in the world.
New Delhi railway Station looks deserted after the suspension of train services in view of coronavirus lockdown. New Delhi Railway Station is India's second busiest and largest railway station. The station manages over 350 trains daily trains and over 500,000 passengers. It has 16 platforms and also holds the record for the largest route interlocking system in the world.
New Delhi railway Station looks deserted after the suspension of train services in view of coronavirus lockdown. New Delhi Railway Station is India's second busiest and largest railway station. The station manages over 350 trains daily trains and over 500,000 passengers. It has 16 platforms and also holds the record for the largest route interlocking system in the world.
New Delhi railway Station looks deserted after the suspension of train services in view of coronavirus lockdown. New Delhi Railway Station is India's second busiest and largest railway station. The station manages over 350 trains daily trains and over 500,000 passengers. It has 16 platforms and also holds the record for the largest route interlocking system in the world.