More than 23,000 people living in low-lying areas along Yamuna were evacuated after the river breached the danger mark in Delhi on August 19, 2019. This happened after Haryana released 8.28 lakh cusecs of water from Hathni Kund Barrage in Yamunanagar district.
More than 23,000 people living in low-lying areas along Yamuna were evacuated after the river breached the danger mark in Delhi on August 19, 2019. This happened after Haryana released 8.28 lakh cusecs of water from Hathni Kund Barrage in Yamunanagar district.
More than 23,000 people living in low-lying areas along Yamuna were evacuated after the river breached the danger mark in Delhi on August 19, 2019. This happened after Haryana released 8.28 lakh cusecs of water from Hathni Kund Barrage in Yamunanagar district.
Over 400 people and school children from Delhi, skipped their work and school to join a Global Climate Strike against Climate Change on Friday 20 September, 2019
Over 400 people and school children from Delhi, skipped their work and school to join a Global Climate Strike against Climate Change on Friday 20 September, 2019
Over 400 people and school children from Delhi, skipped their work and school to join a Global Climate Strike against Climate Change on Friday 20 September, 2019
Over 400 people and school children from Delhi, skipped their work and school to join a Global Climate Strike against Climate Change on Friday 20 September, 2019
Over 400 people and school children from Delhi, skipped their work and school to join a Global Climate Strike against Climate Change on Friday 20 September, 2019
Over 400 people and school children from Delhi, skipped their work and school to join a Global Climate Strike against Climate Change on Friday 20 September, 2019
Over 400 people and school children from Delhi, skipped their work and school to join a Global Climate Strike against Climate Change on Friday 20 September, 2019