A farmer sets paddy stubble to the in Palasaur village of Punjab’s Tarn Taran district. The state saw 71,000 incidents of stubble burning between October 16 and November 15- the second-highest in five years-covering 1.29 million hectares under paddy as per the State Pollution Control Board.
A farmer sets paddy stubble to the in Palasaur village of Punjab’s Tarn Taran district. The state saw 71,000 incidents of stubble burning between October 16 and November 15- the second-highest in five years-covering 1.29 million hectares under paddy as per the State Pollution Control Board.
A farmer sets paddy stubble to the in Palasaur village of Punjab’s Tarn Taran district. The state saw 71,000 incidents of stubble burning between October 16 and November 15- the second-highest in five years-covering 1.29 million hectares under paddy as per the State Pollution Control Board.