The air quality levels in Delhi-NCR have remained hazardous since Diwali on October 27, 2019. The average life expectancy of those living in the Indo-Gangetic Plain, which includes the capital, is seven years shorter than those in other regions in India due to air pollution, says the Air Quality Life Index recently released by the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago. The particulate pollution in the region, where 40 per cent of India’s population lives, is twice as much as in the rest of the country
The air quality levels in Delhi-NCR have remained hazardous since Diwali on October 27, 2019. The average life expectancy of those living in the Indo-Gangetic Plain, which includes the capital, is seven years shorter than those in other regions in India due to air pollution, says the Air Quality Life Index recently released by the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago. The particulate pollution in the region, where 40 per cent of India’s population lives, is twice as much as in the rest of the country