To protect their farms, a group of eight farmers from Nangla Mandaud have bought a langur for Rs 16,000. Every other day, one of the farmers takes the langur on his motorcycle and rides into the fields. Whenever the langur sees a group of monkeys, it chas
The situation is worse in Nangla Mandaud, another village in Muzaffarnagar district, where monkeys have laid siege to the entry road to the village. They descend in dozens to attack people carrying food items. Local residents estimate there are four to fi
The situation is worse in Nangla Mandaud, another village in Muzaffarnagar district, where monkeys have laid siege to the entry road to the village. They descend in dozens to attack people carrying food items. Local residents estimate there are four to fi
A camera trap footage of the leopard who is suspected to have killed the section officer at the Motichur range of the Rajaji National Park on May 18, 2017
Relatives of Deepika Negi, who was killed by a leopard in 2014 in Raiwala village, which is just outside the Motichur range of the Rajaji National Park