Several unusual diseases afflict Padre village in Kasaragod district, Kerala. Residents blame aerial spraying of the pesticide Endosulfan by the Plantation Corporation of Kerala. Seen in this picture is Narayan Naik, 20, a resident of Padre village who suffers from mental and physical retardation.
Several unusual diseases afflict Padre village in Kasaragod district, Kerala. Residents blame aerial spraying of the pesticide Endosulfan by the Plantation Corporation of Kerala. Seen in this picture is Narayan Naik, 20, a resident of Padre village who suffers from mental and physical retardation.
Several unusual diseases afflict Padre village in Kasaragod district, Kerala. Residents blame aerial spraying of the pesticide Endosulfan by the Plantation Corporation of Kerala. Seen in this picture is Narayan Naik, 20, a resident of Padre village who suffers from mental and physical retardation.
Several unusual diseases afflict Padre village in Kasaragod district, Kerala. Residents blame aerial spraying of the pesticide Endosulfan by the Plantation Corporation of Kerala. Seen in this picture is Narayan Naik, 20, a resident of Padre village who suffers from mental and physical retardation.
Several unusual diseases afflict Padre village in Kasaragod district, Kerala. Residents blame aerial spraying of the pesticide Endosulfan by the Plantation Corporation of Kerala. Seen in this picture is Narayan Naik, 20, a resident of Padre village who suffers from mental and physical retardation.
Several unusual diseases afflict Padre village in Kasaragod district, Kerala. Residents blame aerial spraying of the pesticide Endosulfan by the Plantation Corporation of Kerala. Seen in this picture is Narayan Naik, 20, a resident of Padre village who suffers from mental and physical retardation.