Ramesh Chandra Bunkar, a scheduled caste resident of Sinodia villge in Dudu Tehsil of Jaipur Disrict, Rajasthan. Bunkar is the spearhead of the committee formed in the village to remove encroachments from the pasturelands. Ten Bigha of his land has been encroached by the same powerful Jat farmers who have encroached pasturelands
Ramesh Chandra Bunkar, a scheduled caste resident of Sinodia villge in Dudu Tehsil of Jaipur Disrict, Rajasthan. Bunkar is the spearhead of the committee formed in the village to remove encroachments from the pasturelands. Ten Bigha of his land has been encroached by the same powerful Jat farmers who have encroached pasturelands
Ramesh Chandra Bunkar, a scheduled caste resident of Sinodia villge in Dudu Tehsil of Jaipur Disrict, Rajasthan. Bunkar is the spearhead of the committee formed in the village to remove encroachments from the pasturelands. Ten Bigha of his land has been encroached by the same powerful Jat farmers who have encroached pasturelands
Ramesh Chandra Bunkar, a scheduled caste resident of Sinodia villge in Dudu Tehsil of Jaipur Disrict, Rajasthan. Bunkar is the spearhead of the committee formed in the village to remove encroachments from the pasturelands. Ten Bigha of his land has been encroached by the same powerful Jat farmers who have encroached pasturelands
Ramesh Chandra Bunkar, a scheduled caste resident of Sinodia villge in Dudu Tehsil of Jaipur Disrict, Rajasthan. Bunkar is the spearhead of the committee formed in the village to remove encroachments from the pasturelands. Ten Bigha of his land has been encroached by the same powerful Jat farmers who have encroached pasturelands
Ramesh Chandra Bunkar, a scheduled caste resident of Sinodia villge in Dudu Tehsil of Jaipur Disrict, Rajasthan. Bunkar is the spearhead of the committee formed in the village to remove encroachments from the pasturelands. Ten Bigha of his land has been encroached by the same powerful Jat farmers who have encroached pasturelands
Ramesh Chandra Bunkar, a scheduled caste resident of Sinodia villge in Dudu Tehsil of Jaipur Disrict, Rajasthan. Bunkar is the spearhead of the committee formed in the village to remove encroachments from the pasturelands. Ten Bigha of his land has been encroached by the same powerful Jat farmers who have encroached pasturelands
Ramesh Chandra Bunkar, a scheduled caste resident of Sinodia villge in Dudu Tehsil of Jaipur Disrict, Rajasthan. Bunkar is the spearhead of the committee formed in the village to remove encroachments from the pasturelands. Ten Bigha of his land has been encroached by the same powerful Jat farmers who have encroached pasturelands
Ramesh Chandra Bunkar, a scheduled caste resident of Sinodia villge in Dudu Tehsil of Jaipur Disrict, Rajasthan. Bunkar is the spearhead of the committee formed in the village to remove encroachments from the pasturelands. Ten Bigha of his land has been encroached by the same powerful Jat farmers who have encroached pasturelands
Ramesh Chandra Bunkar, a scheduled caste resident of Sinodia villge in Dudu Tehsil of Jaipur Disrict, Rajasthan. Bunkar is the spearhead of the committee formed in the village to remove encroachments from the pasturelands. Ten Bigha of his land has been encroached by the same powerful Jat farmers who have encroached pasturelands
Ramesh Chandra Bunkar, a scheduled caste resident of Sinodia villge in Dudu Tehsil of Jaipur Disrict, Rajasthan. Bunkar is the spearhead of the committee formed in the village to remove encroachments from the pasturelands. Ten Bigha of his land has been encroached by the same powerful Jat farmers who have encroached pasturelands
Ramesh Chandra Bunkar, a scheduled caste resident of Sinodia villge in Dudu Tehsil of Jaipur Disrict, Rajasthan. Bunkar is the spearhead of the committee formed in the village to remove encroachments from the pasturelands. Ten Bigha of his land has been encroached by the same powerful Jat farmers who have encroached pasturelands
Ramesh Chandra Bunkar, a scheduled caste resident of Sinodia villge in Dudu Tehsil of Jaipur Disrict, Rajasthan. Bunkar is the spearhead of the committee formed in the village to remove encroachments from the pasturelands. Ten Bigha of his land has been encroached by the same powerful Jat farmers who have encroached pasturelands
Ramesh Chandra Bunkar, a scheduled caste resident of Sinodia villge in Dudu Tehsil of Jaipur Disrict, Rajasthan. Bunkar is the spearhead of the committee formed in the village to remove encroachments from the pasturelands. Ten Bigha of his land has been encroached by the same powerful Jat farmers who have encroached pasturelands
Ramesh Chandra Bunkar, a scheduled caste resident of Sinodia villge in Dudu Tehsil of Jaipur Disrict, Rajasthan. Bunkar is the spearhead of the committee formed in the village to remove encroachments from the pasturelands. Ten Bigha of his land has been encroached by the same powerful Jat farmers who have encroached pasturelands