A typical barge owner is under a Rs 5-6- crore debt from banks at present. After mining stopped in Goa, they allege they are unable to pay the loan instalments
A typical barge owner is under a Rs 5-6- crore debt from banks at present. After mining stopped in Goa, they allege they are unable to pay the loan instalments
A typical barge owner is under a Rs 5-6- crore debt from banks at present. After mining stopped in Goa, they allege they are unable to pay the loan instalments
A typical barge owner is under a Rs 5-6- crore debt from banks at present. After mining stopped in Goa, they allege they are unable to pay the loan instalments
A typical barge owner is under a Rs 5-6- crore debt from banks at present. After mining stopped in Goa, they allege they are unable to pay the loan instalments
A typical barge owner is under a Rs 5-6- crore debt from banks at present. After mining stopped in Goa, they allege they are unable to pay the loan instalments