Vikram Cement - A unit of Grasim Industries Ltd. View of miserable condition of workers who are engaged for cement loading and thick mat cement dust on the floor. At the time of visit area was very dusty.
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Another view of the chute and the mats
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Workers working in the packaging section. There was fugitive dust
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Packaging section. Bright lit in one section but dark in another, Rubber mats in place and dust extraction. Still fugitive dust could be felt
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Cement mill 3 (only a side can be seen). Some construction work was going on for cement mill 5 and thus was not approachable.
ACC Gagal Cement Works (GCW) is part of India's largest cement company, ACC - The Associated Cement Companies Limited. Worker clearing the coal from the hopper
Hirmi Cement Works, owned by Ultratech Cement Ltd (A Grasim subsidiary). Cement getting collected in a pit. Through centralised vacuum cleaner. Worker wearing cloth