CSE organised its second pani yatra between 24-28 February as part of its water campaign. The yatra was a guided tour to Alwar and Bundi districts of Rajasthan where interventions of Tarun Bharat Sangh and Bharatiya Agro Industries Foundation in intiatiing community participation for water management were observed. The group of yatris comprised of people from diverse backgrounds.
Paani yatris with Kanahiya at Bharonji wala Bandh. CSE organised its second pani yatra between 24-28 February as part of its water campaign. The yatra was a guided tour to Alwar and Bundi districts of Rajasthan where interventions of Tarun Bharat Sangh and Bharatiya Agro Industries Foundation in intiatiing community participation for water management were observed. The group of yatris comprised of people from diverse backgrounds.
Paani yatris with Kanahiya at Bharonji wala Bandh. CSE organised its second pani yatra between 24-28 February as part of its water campaign. The yatra was a guided tour to Alwar and Bundi districts of Rajasthan where interventions of Tarun Bharat Sangh and Bharatiya Agro Industries Foundation in intiatiing community participation for water management were observed. The group of yatris comprised of people from diverse backgrounds.
Pani yatris inspecting a well whose water has been recharged due to the check dam upstream. CSE organised its second pani yatra between 24-28 February as part of its water campaign. The yatra was a guided tour to Alwar and Bundi districts of Rajasthan where interventions of Tarun Bharat Sangh and Bharatiya Agro Industries Foundation in intiatiing community participation for water management were observed. The group of yatris comprised of people from diverse backgrounds.