Derprayag, a holy town situated at the confluence of Bhagirathi (left) and Alkananda (right). The mighty Ganga starts from this confluence. The Chipko movement started in the Alkananda valley.
Derprayag, a holy town situated at the confluence of Bhagirathi (left) and Alkananda (right). The mighty Ganga starts from this confluence. The Chipko movement started in the Alkananda valley.
Derprayag, a holy town situated at the confluence of Bhagirathi (left) and Alkananda (right). The mighty Ganga starts from this confluence. The Chipko movement started in the Alkananda valley.
Derprayag, a holy town situated at the confluence of Bhagirathi (left) and Alkananda (right). The mighty Ganga starts from this confluence. The Chipko movement started in the Alkananda valley.