Trains returning from Bhilai after unloading iron ore from Bailadila Mines are allegedly stopped in the middle of the forests in Bastar and illegal timber felled in the forest loaded onto them and taken without check to Vishakhapatnam
Trains returning from Bhilai after unloading iron ore from Bailadila Mines are allegedly stopped in the middle of the forests in Bastar and illegal timber felled in the forest loaded onto them and taken without check to Vishakhapatnam
Trains returning from Bhilai after unloading iron ore from Bailadila Mines are allegedly stopped in the middle of the forests in Bastar and illegal timber felled in the forest loaded onto them and taken without check to Vishakhapatnam
Trains returning from Bhilai after unloading iron ore from Bailadila Mines are allegedly stopped in the middle of the forests in Bastar and illegal timber felled in the forest loaded onto them and taken without check to Vishakhapatnam
Malaria patient. A child suffering from Malaria which is rampant in the region, sweats it out in the sun without treatment of any sort being available in the remote forest areas.
Malaria patient. A child suffering from Malaria which is rampant in the region, sweats it out in the sun without treatment of any sort being available in the remote forest areas.
Huge stocks of bamboo lie rotting in the Forest depots where there are no takers at auctions. People can acquire timber at much cheaper rates illegally.
Huge stocks of bamboo lie rotting in the Forest depots where there are no takers at auctions. People can acquire timber at much cheaper rates illegally.
Huge stocks of bamboo lie rotting in the Forest depots where there are no takers at auctions. People can acquire timber at much cheaper rates illegally.
Huge stocks of bamboo lie rotting in the Forest depots where there are no takers at auctions. People can acquire timber at much cheaper rates illegally.
Huge stocks of bamboo lie rotting in the Forest depots where there are no takers at auctions. People can acquire timber at much cheaper rates illegally.